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Looking for a good Christian band that might interest your unsaved friends?
This is a great place to start looking! I have listed here a few bands I LOVE, they are Christian, and when I got saved, I started listining to these people instead of my worldly songs. If you know anyone who is not saved, why not check out a few Christian groups that they might like. Check out the Sound-A-Like's Bellow.
Subbmit your recommended Sound-A-Like Here

 Rock/Metal Sound-A-Likes
Metallica Sound-A-Likes:
If you or someone you know LOVES Metallica like I once did, try suggesting these awesome bands:

Focal Point

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 Rap/Hip-Hop Sound-A-Likes

If you or someone you know likes Rap music such as:
Dr. Dre, Snoop Doggy Dogg, or any other gangster rap, check out these AWESOME Christians who rap just as good as them!

Gospel Gangsters
 I have only heard one song from these guys, I watched the video of "I can see now", I LOVED IT!
It reminds me of Snoop. Also, I hear a LOT about these guys. They're great. I had some worldly friends who were into rap, and they liked these guys 'cuz they sounded like their worldly music, but without the cussing and they also sing for Christ.
^This one is hard core gangsta rap, this time, it's fighin for the Lord! Praise God with some awesome rap^
Reminds my of Too Short worldly singer, or Dr. Dre
God's Original Ganstaz

^The one albume they have above, I haven't heard, but I have two other albumes from them and I enjoy them^

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